Openttd 32bpp

A promoting video for OpenTTD 32bpp.

We present the first bugfix release of the 1.11 release series!

ZBase is an open source 32bpp graphics base set designed to be used by OpenTTD. You can switch base graphics sets via the Game Options dialog in the main menu. ZBase is licensed under the GNU General Pubilc License version 2.0. 32bpp NewGRF As it's come up often enough in recent weeks, I've worked on an update for the List of 32bpp NewGRF Sets that are either released or in-development. There is a link there now for the old 32bpp Full Zoom/Extra Zoom set, which somebody kindly compiled into a NewGRF.

Along with our usual bug fixes, we’ve broken our own rules and included a couple of features in this release - a vsync option which should hopefully fix screen-tearing seen by some people, and volume controls in the Options window (with better defaults).

Notable bug fixes include improved scaling of a few windows, and better detection of faulty GL-renders which should avoid some crashes on startup due to bad video renderer.

  • YETI industry set - I just want to show how beautifully it looksI created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
  • 32bpp Extra is an open source 32bpp replacement for the 8bpp sprites that were not present in the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe (TTD) graphics but were added to the game by the OpenTTD developments. For 8bpp, these graphics are available in 3 variants: -in openttdw.grf (originalwindows option in the game options screen).

Openttd 32bpp Stations


Openttd 32bpp Vehicles

See the changelog for more.

Content Idnewgrf/4a520101
NameJRD EU train set 32bpp
Project site
  • 32bpp
  • train
Description recommended: on 32bpp, ECS Vector, zBase.

Openttd 32bpp Extra Zoom

VersionUpload dateMD5 (partial)LicenseDownload
8.12014-06-29T10:16:13+00:00fd79f8b3GPL v3Available ingame
82014-06-27T19:10:26+00:009065b169GPL v3Only for savegames
72014-06-11T16:40:55+00:00f83eef31GPL v3Only for savegames
62014-06-06T18:57:17+00:007c724843GPL v3Only for savegames
52014-05-26T20:08:47+00:00715f9e19GPL v2Only for savegames
42014-05-25T17:05:56+00:007746318bGPL v2Only for savegames
32014-05-14T15:40:38+00:00c54443c4GPL v2Only for savegames
22014-04-23T12:40:43+00:0055b4a79aGPL v2Only for savegames
12014-04-21T14:24:04+00:0055ab057fGPL v2Only for savegames
02014-04-16T15:12:45+00:004ef1f4d8CustomOnly for savegames